Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Might as well face it, I'm addicted to...

phenylalanine. That's right. I'm trying to cut out the sweet sugary drinks that I love so much. It's very hard for me to go "cold turkey" though so I have found a suitable substitute in the form of crystal light pink lemonade. I'm addicted. At this point you could probably hook me up to an IV of pink lemonade. Or maybe that's not a good idea. Whatever. Did I get my point across that I like the stuff?

And my life is so boring I've gone and blogged about nutrasweet. The universe owes me some excitement.


At 10:59 PM , Blogger Justin DLC said...

My world history teacher (Driscoll) drank Crystal Light Pink Lemonade every day and did not cease to praise it. I can't stand the stuff.

I had a diet Sobe the other day and it was pretty good. Mostly water though (I had already had three sodas that day and thought I should cut out the sugar...).


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