Friday, September 23, 2005


I would like to go back to this system instead of using dumb currency to pay for new stuff. This way I wouldn't hold on to as much stuff as I currently have. I could go to Target and "pay" for a new outfit with an old pair of shoes or possibly some tennis balls. Then I wouldn't have to work anymore because I'd have loads of stuff with to barter with. How do I go about bringing back this old world method? Get a petition signed or something? How 'bout you do some research on that and get back to me, mmmmmmkay?


At 4:47 PM , Blogger Justin DLC said...


At 4:57 PM , Blogger Tina said...

point taken

At 11:42 AM , Blogger Unemployed Squid said...

I have a blog now. Lookatitlookatitlook!Itsablog!

Could one also barter livestock? Or things you made yourself? Like, maybe I have a whole sketchbook full o' sketches to barter. I'm trading my goods/services for new clothes. I think it would work well for everyone!

At 12:10 PM , Blogger Tina said...

You can barter anything you want. You just have to find someone whose interested in your wares. Target should have a compliance rule. They should have to accept anything that people bring in to barter with. What's that you got there? A picture of the president made entirely out of macaroni noodles? I'll trade you this dirty sock for it!!!

At 12:48 PM , Blogger Unemployed Squid said...

Exactly. Or, "I made this sock myself out of a plastic bag and a rubber band. Gimme that DVD player for it, Target associate."


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