Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Joe Cool

It must be a pain when you have to try so hard to be cool. Cool clothes, cool hair, cool car, etc, etc, etc. But not me. Nope. I am naturally cool. Take my hair for instance. Cool people like me get highlights and then just naturally let them take their course(i.e. growing out). And cool people like me drive Buicks. That's right baby. You wish you were me right now. Cool people also tend to be really sarcastic, but wait, that's not me at all...But I'm still cool. You know what else cool people do? Cool people show up to work late. I'm the coolest.


At 2:53 AM , Blogger Brandon said...

I drive a Buick. And you better believe I'm late to work if I can get away with it. Except these days work usually means playing music somewhere, so being late isn't really helpful if I want to get asked back.

Do cool people say "Joe Cool" like Mom does all the time?

At 8:31 AM , Blogger Tina said...

No. That's how other people refer to us cool people. Not necessarily uncool, just not cool. Maybe happennin'.

I just realized my inspiration for this post was from an old Calvin and Hobbes strip and I didn't even know it when I wrote it. There's your subconscious for you.

At 12:54 AM , Blogger Justin DLC said...

Hey, I brought this sombrero and mickey mouse pants (with big yellow buttons), am I cool?

Being cool is boring.

At 11:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're cool.

Now get back to being cool.



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